Browsing Archive: February, 2009

The Return Of Write Your Own Lincoln Heights Episodes- Pg 17

Posted by americana876 on Tuesday, February 24, 2009,
Pick up from 16

"Hey Boo!" Lulu greeted him
She was trying to sound her usual. perky self.  But inside she was nervous and guilty because the faxed letter had blown away before she could read it.

Robin could tell from the sound of her voice that something wasn't quite right, and of course he thought it was because she did read the letter and was hurt since it was meant for Cassie's eyes only.

"Lulu, how are you?" he asked anticipating the worse.

"Oh, I'm okay.  It sure is good to hear your voice....
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The Return of Write Your Own Lincoln Heights Episode - Page 16

Posted by americana876 on Friday, February 20, 2009,
pick up from p.15

Eddie was looking for Charles then he suddenly found Charles at a liquor store.  Charles bought a six pack of beer.  He sat by the sidewalk and started drinking until Eddie stopped him.

"You always think this is the answer to everything?" asked Eddie as he took the can of beer away from Charles.

"It makes me feel better." said Charles as he snatched it back.

"Charles watch it!!! I'm this close to feeling sorry for you." said Eddie.

"Now you know what Robin really like." said Char...
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The Return of Write Your Own Lincoln Heights Episode-Page 15

Posted by americana876 on Sunday, February 15, 2009,
Pick up from pg 14

"Wait for me!" Lizzie shouted, running behind Tay.

"Charles, how in the world did you get recruited to paint Vera's place?" Eddie asked, curious.

"My mom volunteered me," Charles replied, hoping Cassie's parents wouldn't dig too deep.

"And you just agreed with it?" Eddie continued questioning.

"He sure did, Eddie!" Jenn said with an admiring smile.  "I was right there and saw the whole thing!" she bragged.

Eddie nodded approvingly.  "I'm impressed, Charles.  I didn't think you ha...
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Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Posted by americana876 on Saturday, February 14, 2009,
I want to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day.



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The Return of Write Your Own Lincoln Heights Episode - Page 14

Posted by americana876 on Wednesday, February 11, 2009,
Pick up from p. 13

As Kingston return all of a sudden Sabrina come down suprisely and wanted say a few words about Mike.

"Who is that girl?" shocked Robin.

"Sabrina." angered Cassie.

"What!?!?" stunned Robin.

"I don't believe this.  It's bad enough I have to deal with Sage now I have to see her God!!" annoyed Cassie.

"I take it you know her?" asked Robin.

"Lets just say shetried to take Charles away from me." said Cassie.

"But she's old." said Robin.

"And she's married." said Cassie.

"Wow Charles knows...
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The Return Of Write Your Own Lincoln Heights Episodes Page 13

Posted by americana876 on Thursday, February 5, 2009,
A pick up from page 12...

Cassie hugged her father.  "Thanks Dad.  It means alot to me to hear you say that."

"Cassie, there's just one thing," Jenn said.

"What's that Mom?"

"How do you plan on getting to the funeral?"

"Well,  know I'm still grounded but I thought I could drive--I mean this is an exception and all--right?" she asked, worried.

"It is honey, but I don't know if I want you driving to Lincoln Heights all by yourself.  Things are still pretty tense over there because of the quake and th...
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lincoln heights will be coming back for season 4!!!

Posted by americana876 on Monday, February 2, 2009,

woooooooo hooooooooooo :-)

That's great news!!!


thanks for the news
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The Return Of Write Your Own Lincoln Heights Episodes Page 12

Posted by americana876 on Sunday, February 1, 2009,

Pick up from pg. 11

Meanwhile back at Atoni's house Tay & Jeron were shooting hoops.

"I tell youyou, you need to give it up.  Sage is really into this dude.  Besides her & your sister Cassie can't stand each other." said Jeron as he made a shot.

"I know but I actually thought we made a connection over the summer." said Tay.

""Dude that's long time ago.  Beside isn't she the same girl who punked you into wearing that hotdog outfit and you collaspe?" asked Jeron.

"Yeah but that's a long time ago.  S...

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About Me

This Blog & Fanfiction site is hosted by Americana876, Batman642, Candygwen, ilovemax112105 and Robertadamsonlover (others will be added by other users) we're fans of the hit show lincoln heights on ABC FAMILY TV NETWORK

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