Browsing Archive: June, 2009

The Return Of Write Your Own Lincoln Heights Episodes Page-34

Posted by americana876 on Wednesday, June 24, 2009,
Pick up from pg 33

Meanwhile, Lund and Jenn are in the squad car on the way back to Marla's house.

"So Kevin, how are you and SAge doing these days?" Jenn asked, trying to keep the spotlight off of herself.

"We're actually getting along much better--thanks for asking.  She's recovering from the assault in San Diego, although that boyfriend of hers hasn't been much help in that regard."

"Oh, is she still with Danny Marinero?" Jenn asked, curious.

"Supposedly.  But he hasn't been paying her as much ...
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The Return of Write Your Lincoln Heights Episodes-Page 33

Posted by americana876 on Wednesday, June 17, 2009,
Pick up from Pg. 32

Robin!?!?! Wait a minute how did Robin know about this.  I didn't tell him." said Cassie.

"He found out from Lizzie.  She called him late last night." said Lulu.

"What!!!" shocked Cassie.

"I'm going to kill Lizzie." said Cassie to herself.

"Cassie what is going with you lately.  Actually what is going on between you and Robin?  Have you two have an arguement or something?" wondered Lulu.

"Nothing is going on between me and Robin.  I just have alot on my mind that's all." lied Ca...
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The Return Of Write Your Own Lincoln Heights Episodes- Page 32

Posted by americana876 on Sunday, June 14, 2009,
Pick up from Pg 31

Lizzie gave Jeron a mean look of jealousy.

"Is everyone ready for take two?" asked Rueben

They all started singing.  Meanwhile back at the hospital Dana, Nate and Natalie was in the waiting hoping and praying that Eddie alright.

"Man it's been hours what is taking them so long?" worried Nate.

"Try to stay calm Nate." said Dana trying to stay positive.

"Man I was just getting to know my dad.  Why is this happening?" asked Nate.

"I don't know Nate.  I just hope he will pull through....
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The Return Of Write Your Own Lincoln Heights Episode-Page 31

Posted by americana876 on Tuesday, June 9, 2009,
Pick up from page 30.

"Eddie please don't get excited." said Jenn.

"Excited? Excited?  Our daughter lied to us big time and you are telling me not to get excited.  There's no way in hell she is going to Utah.  She's bringing her ass home as soon as possible.  She's been away long enough." angered Eddie.

"Eddie please I am upset as you are.  But there is more you should know." said Jenn.

"Jenn please I don't want to hear anymore of this not now." said Eddie.

"Eddie this is serious.  It's obvivious ...
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chassie video

Posted by americana876 on Friday, June 5, 2009,

i finally learned how to make and upload a video to youtube. plz watch!
thanx, Candygwen (aka hiphopabgurl)

Cool video Candygwen.  You have everyone in it. Cassie, Charles, Sage, Lulu, Luc.  If they used our fictional Character Robin in Lincoln Heights he would've been in the video as well.

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The Return of Write Your Own Lincoln Heights Episodes - Page 30

Posted by americana876 on Monday, June 1, 2009,
(pick up from p.29)

"Lizzie?????  I can't believe you're calling me!!!" Lulu squealed.

"Oh---is it a bad time?  I'm sorry, Lulu. I can call back later," Lizzie apologized.

"What???!!!  Don't you DARE hang up!!!  Of COURSE this is a good time!!!  I'm just SURPRISED is all---that you would call ME of all people!!!" Lulu continued to gush.

"But why, Lulu?  We're friends...." Lizzie replied, clueless.

"Yeah, girl, we're friends!!!  ABSOLUTELY!!!  I'm just glad YOU realize it!"

"I've always liked you, ...
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About Me

This Blog & Fanfiction site is hosted by Americana876, Batman642, Candygwen, ilovemax112105 and Robertadamsonlover (others will be added by other users) we're fans of the hit show lincoln heights on ABC FAMILY TV NETWORK

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